In The Coma 2B, which serves as a bridge between The Coma and The Coma 2, series protagonist Youngho has escaped the sinister mirror dimension known as “The Coma” and returned to his normal life of school and friends. While enjoying time with his beloved schoolmates, he finds he must return to the terrifying parallel world of The Coma and discovers a massive and mysterious facility below Dokaebi Market. Yungho will spend time in both reality and its dark mirror while avoiding dangerous foes, gathering clues, solving puzzles, and fighting for his life. Armed only with a flashlight and facing seemingly endless darkness, will he survive the horrors of these worlds?
Featuring an updated gameplay AI, the relentless killers stalking you are even more dangerous
Trade items in Dokaebi Market to prepare for critical life-or-death situations
Explore the nightmarish district of Sehwa and discover its dark secrets
Scavenge resources to survive deadly encounters and afflictions
Unlock tools and upgrades to reach previously inaccessible areas
Vibrant, hand-illustrated in-game visuals and comic strips create an immersive world of horror, danger, and exploration